البرنامج الدراسي
المقررات الدراسية: قسم العلوم الهندسية
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المقررات الدراسية: قسم العلوم الهندسية
In this section are given brief descriptions of the course offered in the petroleum engineering department. For convenience,the courses classified as
Gs = General Sciences
Ge = General Engineering Sciences
Math = Mathematical
Phys = Physics
Chem = Chemistry
Arb = Arabic
Eng = English
Pol = Political
Math 101: Mathematics I 4 Units
Sets, relations, absolute value, functions; Algebra of functions, inverse function, parametric representation of a function. Limits, continuity, derivative, differential, higher derivative, extreme value theorem, intermediate value theorem, Rolle’s Theorem and mean value theorem.
Math 102: Mathematics II 4 Units
L,Hopital’s rule. Applications; Maxima and minima, curve tracing, related rates. Conic sections, polar coordinates. Complex number. Definite and indefinite integral. Fundamental theorem. Transcendental function, their derivation and integration. Techniques of integration – Area, length, volume and surface of solid revolution – sequences and series.
Phys 101: Physics I 3 Units
Mechanics: Linear and circular motion, Newton Laws of motion, Work, Energy, and Conservation laws of energy. Properties of Mater: Elasticity of matter, Hydrodynamics. Heat and Thermodynamics: Heat, thermodynamics, Laws, ideal gas. Waves and vibrations: Simple harmonic motion, waves, Propagation of waves, standing waves, Properties of optical waves.
Phys 103: Physics Lab I 1 Unit
Laboratory work includes experiments on the acceleration of gravity (g), Nook’s law,Young’s modulus,surface tension,thermal conductivity and specific heat, Newton’s Law of cooling,Sonometer, frequency measurements and the velocity of sound.
Phys 102: Physics II 3 Units
Electricity and Magnetism:
Mirror lenses and their application. Charge, Coulomb’s law, electric field, capacitors and dielectric, current, resistance, electromotive force, electric circuits, magnetic field, magnetic induction , Hall effect. Ampere’s law, circular coils, self inductance, RC, RL circuits. Magnetic properties of materials. Oscillators electromagnetic waves, Maxwell’s equations, Transmission lines, traveling waves, potential and alternating current . Waves and optical, optical waves, reflection and reflection laws, mirrors lenses and their application.
Phys 104: Physics Lab II 1 Unit
Verification of Ohm’s law, Determination of unknown resistance, some measurement using a cathode ray tube, Determination of change magnetic field, Determination of the capacity, Measurement of focal length of an Inaccessible converging law. Measurement of Radii of curvature of converging lens, measurement of focal length of diverging lens.
Chem 101: Chemistry I 3 Units
Atomic structure, periodic table, gas state, thermo chemistry, organic group. Isomerism and fundamental concepts structure and reactivity.
Chem 103: Chemistry Lab I 1 Units Laboratory rules and techniques, common reagents, chemical equations,cations and anions,reactions of cations and anions,classification of cations and anions into groups,group reagents and group precipitate of cations,identification of cations and anions from simple inorganic compounds.
Chem 102: Chemistry II 3 Units
Radio activity, chemical bonding, covalent bond theory, classification component, element chemical behavior, thermodynamic, electrochemistry, solid state, organic alkene reaction , cycling alkene, alkane, alkyne, alkylhalid, alcohol, aldehyde, ketone with detail study for mechanism reaction, An analytical volumetric, using volumetric apparatus, standard solution, volumetric solution. Titration methods, indicator titration, using acid base, complex compound, oxidation reaction.
Chem 104: Chemistry Lab II 1 Units Volumetric Analysis: use of volumetric apparatus,standard solutions,volumetric calculations,procedure of titrations,indicators,titrations involving acid-base, argentometric,complexometric and oxidation-reduction reactions,determination of strength of unknown samples utilising the above methods of titration.
Arb 101and102: Arabic Language I and II 2 Unit
The courses stress lingual approach to mastery of the language and include the study of basic grammar and selected readings in science and literature.
Eng 101 English I 2 Units
Objective: The English I course for first year students has been designed to enable them to communicate in written and spoken English and to develop their ability to deal with concepts used in scientific discussion and writing.
Reading comprehension: Topics: Heat energy, atomic structure, ultrasonic, periodic table of elements, computers and some topics of general interest etc.
English in communication: Parts of speech, punctuation, simple sentence structure, tenses, passive voice, description of lab ware. Ordinal and cardinal numbers, simple geometry. Laboratory report writing: Lay out of a report: title, abstract, aim, introduction/theoretical background, experiment and materials, procedure, results discussion of results,conclusions,references,appendices.
Eng 102: English II 2 Unit
Objectives: The course is for those students who have gone through the first semester. It builds upon the work done in the previous semester and continues with the objectives to enhance the student’s ability to communicate in written and spoken English. The following areas of scientific English are specially stressed upon.
Reading comprehension: Topics: Latent heat, Bunsen burner, Spirit burner, computers, Kipp’s apparatus, alloys, metals distillation, fire extinguishers, modern atomic theory, refining petroleum, refrigerators.
English in communication: Adjectival clauses, omission of relative pronouns, use of infinitive and gerund, (mathematical concepts: Powers and roots, dimensions of two/three dimensional figures, the use of graphs). Introduction to technical report writing. (Kinds of technical reports: The short informal report, the long informal report, the formal report (their format/structure and style).
Pol 101: Political Culture: 2 Units Introduction and concepts of political culture, the state (elements, theories, sovereignty, functions, unitary state, welfare state, federal state), Ancient political thought, Contemporary political thought, Comparative Western political systems (reference to USA and UK), Comparative Government and politics, Libyan political system (1952 – 1969), International organization (United Nation UN), Human rights.
Ge 101: Engineering Drawing I: 2 Units
Introduction, definitions, terminology and general rules. Tools used in engineering drawing and methods of its use, geometrical processes, engineering curves, kinds of lines and it’s applications, Arabic engineering alphabetic, English engineering alphabetic, drawing scale and dimension, isometric projection, inclined projection, normal projection (isometric and oblique drawing), deduction of third projection, sections and it’s types (complete, half, revolved, partial and its application).